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Amity University

PGDBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Entrepreneurship & Leadership , Finance & Accounting, Hospitality, Human Resource, International Business etc

Online Uttaranchal University

Online MBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Marketing, Financial, HR Management, Business Analytics, International Business, Information Technology, Digital Marketing.

Dr DY Patil

Distance MBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Sales and Marketing, Human Resource, Hospital and Healthcare, Finance, International Business Management, Hospitality etc.

Jain Online

Online MBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: HR, Finance, Marketing, General Mgmt., Systems and Operations, International Finance (Accredited by ACCA, UK) etc.

Chandigarh University Online

Online MBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, International Business Management, Entrepreneurship.

IMT Ghaziabad

PGDBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Finance, Marketing, Operations, Business Analytics & Human Resource Management etc.

Online Manipal

Online MBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Analytics & Data Science, Retail Management, Banking, Financial Services & Insurance, IT & FinTech etc.

Welingkar WeSchool

PGDBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Marketing Management , Finance Management, Human Resource, Retail Mgmt, Banking, Investment & Insurance, Media Management etc.

Suresh Gyan Vihar University

PGDBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, E-commerce Marketing, Information Technology, Business Analytics & Intelligence etc.

Lovely Professional University (LPU)

PGDBA | Duration : 02 Years
Specialisation: Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Information Technology, International Business, Operations, Retail etc.

Offered Industry-Leading Specialisation

Explore leading specialisation offered by various colleges

Marketing Management
HR Management
Business Analytics
Finance Management
International Business
Operation Management
IT Management
Supply Chain Management

Leading Colleges Ranking-Wise

Ranked 01
(4.8 Rating)
Ranked 02
(4.7 Rating)
Ranked 03
(4.2 Rating)
Ranked 04
(4.1 Rating)
Ranked 05
(4 Rating)
Ranked 06
(3.8 Rating)

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